Igor Sosnowicz


Igor Sosnowicz

Igor Sosnowicz

Junior ML/AI Engineer

About me

Hello, my name is Igor Sosnowicz, and I am a computer science student at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Politechnika Wrocławska). I have been passionate about programming for 10 years using mostly, C++, Python and PHP. I have created a few projects and am looking for an opportunity to expand my skills and provide business value. I am interested in working in a company employing modern technologies and developing ambitious products. Besides, my interests involve reading books (psychology, philosophy and science fiction among others), doing sports and learning foreign languages.

Known technologies


Wizualizacja projektu CardGameJavaEdition

Cats vs Dogs

The binary classifier, which determines, if a picture depicts a cat or a dog. Written as an artificial neural network in Python with TensorFlow library (and using Keras API).

Wizualizacja projektu

2D open-world game (C++)

It's the 2D open world game written in C++20 using SFML library for graphics. Work in progress.

Wizualizacja projektu

Climate specifier (C++)

The K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm that specifies the type of climate using the given weather data.

Wizualizacja projektu bug-tracker

bug-tracker (C++)

Console application for managing bugs and their statuses. The program provides a sqlite3 database, authentication and a couple of user roles.
